How To Fix Cracked Heels Permanently At Home? Proven Home Remedies That Work!

Cure cracked heels permanently at home

Are you someone who is undergoing extreme discomfort due to evident cracks in your feet? Are you longing for soft, supple and silky smooth feet? Are those painful cracked heels preventing you from wearing stylish shoes?

No worries at all. Here are some proven home remedies to say goodbye to deep cracks on the bottom of your feet and step into the journey towards smooth and rejuvenated feet.

What are cracked heels?

A cracked heel or a cracked feet is a trivial foot problem that occurs when dry, thick skin on the bottom of your skin cracks and splits. In the initial stage, the cracks may just look unpleasant and cause some sort of discomfort, but, if left untreated, the heel fissures may become deeper which may lead to infections and other serious issues.

Causes and risk factors of deep cracks on the bottom of feet

The first alarming sign of developing cracked heels is having extremely dry and hard skin on your feet, which is referred to as calluses. Once the healthy skin becomes dry, it loses its elasticity and moisture, facilitating the development of deeper fissures and more cracks. 

This condition is usually experienced by people who live in places with dry climatic conditions and those who have pre-existing skin issues like eczema and dermatitis.

Being oblivious to this ailment may lead to fungal infections like especially Athlete’s foot.

Cracked Heel Home Remedy

Read through to find certain factors that cause cracked heels

  • Standing bare feet for longer periods of time especially on hard and rough surfaces.
  • Wearing unsupportive footwear like high heels, thongs etc.
  • Obesity
  • Chronic health issues like diabetes
  • Be cognizant, that for diabetic patients, cracked heels are even more dismaying, as it can lead to diabetic foot ulcerations.

Symptoms of heel cracks

Besides the unpleasant and dry appearance of the feet, there are few more symptoms that indicate the formation of cracked heels.

  • Intense discomfort and pain, especially while standing.
  • Itchiness
  • Bleeding from the cracks
  • Redness and swelling, in case of an infection.

Foot Cracks

Image Source: Harvard Health Publishing

Some effective home remedies for painful cracked heels

Keep your feet clean and tidy

It becomes so easy for contaminants to enter into your body through the cracks of your skin, which leads to serious infections, in turn.

Be conscious and keep your feet as clean as that of a baby’s.. Keep in mind, even at home, walking barefoot is not allowed.

Pick a hydrating skin cleanser such as shea butter soap and make sure that its is free from skin-irritating chemicals. Using skin cleansers that contain ingredients with anti-inflammatory and anti – bacterial properties is like adding another string to your bow. It’s an added advantage.

Have a routine of cleaning your cracked heels using a cream based hydrating cleanser. Make it a daily habit and kickstart your journey towards attaining smooth feet.

Soak and exfoliate

Walking around with thick calluses is definitely a tough nut to crack. But, you will be amazed to know how foot soaking and skin exfoliation works like magic. It is advised to be cautious while including this process in your feet care routine.

This is because calluses provide cushion-like support to your feet and hence removing too much of it can cause pain while walking.

Stay away from pedicurists who reuse pumice stones which leads to transmission of bacteria from one person’s leg to that of the other.

Worry not, when making your own soothing bubble bath is easy as well as a safer option. Soak your feet in the bubble bath and gently exfoliate your heels. Remember, as gentle as the caress of a peacock feather.

Alleviate deep cracks

Like any other open wound, deep, painful and bleeding cracks need to be bandaged to prevent infections. When ace bandages and normal gauzes that are used for other wounds give us a hard time while trying to bandage, using liquid bandages makes it an easy and effective way to protect the wound and speed up the healing process.

Find the right moisturizer for painful cracked heels

Have you never ever moisturized your feet in your lifetime or have you been using a moisturizer that doesn’t suit your skin type? No harm….All is well. Its not too late to incorporate moisturizing in your feet care regimen.

Moisturize cracked heels

Start hunting for a good moisturizer that suits your skin. But wait…..are you aware that loads of chemicals are added in most of the moisturizing creams and lotions….These chemicals irritate your skin and cause dryness in turn , thus pushing you to use more moisturizer. Do you wish to stay away from this vicious cycle and embrace nature to get rid of those ugly cracks on your heels?

Then, opt for a moisturizing foot heel crack cream. Check whether it contains ingredients that have moisturizing and healing properties. Your search for one  such outstanding cream ends right here, at Sukham Handmade. Our foot heel crack cream is made of mango butter, almond oil to soothe and heal the cracks, thus providing effective moisturization to your feet.

Using our heel crack cream is as easy as that. Apply it over the cracks and leave overnight. For best results, follow up after a foot soak. We use no chemicals but only unrefined butters and cold pressed oils. Providing chemical-free, safe products to our beloved customers is our top priority.

With our natural heel crack cream, attaining silky smooth and healthy, glowing skin is not as toilsome as you think.

Use all your skin care products like soap, shampoo, conditioner that you use on a daily basis very mindfully. The chemicals from these will ultimately drain down and cause dryness of feet.

Weigh up natural moisturization

There are some simple home treatments which would help in healing foot cracks to a good extent.

Using coconut oil regularly. Applying shea butter on the cracks. Incorporating the use of honey and oatmeal in your routine are some great hacks that will retain moisture in your feet and reduce inflammation.

Prevention methods to avoid cracked heels

As we very well know, prevention is better than cure. Skim through the following points to find how you can protect your feet from those nasty cracks and dangerous infections.

  • Moisturize , moisturize, moisturize…… It is of paramount importance.
  • Examine your feet regularly and check for those budding cracks.
  • Wear comfortable and supportive footwear. Avoid high heels and unsupportive footwear.
  • Wear stockings  or shoes when need arises.
  • Women spend more time standing in the kitchen. Think wisely and reduce that time because this is one of the main reasons for heel cracks in women.
  • Not least at all, keep yourself well hydrated by drinking lots and lots of water.

In drawing things to a close, amidst our daily chores, we tend to forget that our feet play one of the most important roles in our life. Being the pillars holding and carrying our body wherever we wish to go, undoubtedly, they deserve nothing less than utmost care and pampering. 

Let us start taking small efforts consistently to rejuvenate our feet and nourish them everyday. No more worries about the deep cracks at the bottom of your feet. Bid adieu to hiding your feet with closed shoes and get ready to flaunt your clean and radiant feet, wherever you go.

With Sukham Handmade foot care cream and moisturizers, let’s support our feet that support us for our lifetime.

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