Best Home Remedies For Premature Hair Greying And White Hair

Premature hair greying and white hair

Having grey hair can be considered as God-given highlights that symbolize wisdom and maturity when you hit your second innings in life. Salt and pepper hair style is beyond doubt a style statement that you could flaunt as you age gracefully.

But, happening to see one single strand of white hair on the scalp of your school-going son or your teeny weeny teenage daughter is nothing less than bothersome.

Premature hair greying kills your self confidence and makes you feel timid besides it being a clear sign that are you are running out of essential nutrients that are the core components of your system.

Premature grey hair

Premature grey hair

Let us explore the different home remedies to cure premature greying of hair and if you incorporate these remedies in your hair care routine, I bet that you will feel like Rapunzel when your black and beautiful hair sways in the air.

Before we hop in to get to know about the remedies, we will rapidly get an idea about the major causes of greying of hair in the earlier part of your life.

What causes white hair in early 20’s?

Premature hair greying will undoubtedly affect the self esteem of young individuals thus resulting in undesirable effects. This has become a prevalent problem in the Indian population due to increased stress levels, even in adolescent children and unhealthy food habits.

The reasons which contribute to premature greying of hair may range from environmental to genetic factors.

Unhealthy food habits

Today’s eating practices have gone very very far from being aligned to nature which is the primary cause of biotin and vitamin D deficiencies. Inflating work pressure makes us forget to even take sips of water leading to chronic dehydration which in turn stimulate the growth of white hair.

Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for the colour of human hair. When your body experiences a shortage of nutrients leading to a decrease in melanin level, your hair communicates that to you through hair discoloration and other issues like hair fall and breakage according to healthline website.

High levels of stress

Stress has become a common word which is used more often by everyone from young children to elders. Having said that, we are being offered plethora of ways to handle stress to which we turn a deaf ear. Not having time to nourish oneself internally and externally facilitates damage to our body, skin and hair.

High levels of stress causes grey hair and white hair

Too much caffeine and tea

The habit of drinking tea and coffee has been stitched in our lives that not a single day can pass in their absence. While having a couple of cups of coffee or tea per day is not going to create a major negative impact in your body, being addicted to it and gulping up litres of tea or coffee is certainly detrimental to health. It dehydrates our body and increases the heat in there, thus leading to silver streaks on your hair.

Vitamin deficiency

According to Medical News Today, in 2017, a small study was conducted and the result of which clearly showed an association between vitamin B12, folic acid and biotin deficiencies and premature hair greying among Asian population who were 20 years old and even younger.


Race, ethnicity and genetics play a major role in greying of hair at an early age. Though it can be hereditary, there are many ways, including bringing about lifestyle changes, through which you can minimize grey hair and increase the growth of healthy, black and beautiful hair.

Pre existing medical conditions

In case of autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata which causes hair loss from scalp, body and face, the hair that regrows is most likely to be white due to melanin deficiency. In diseases like vitiligo, premature greying occurs due to the death of melanin cells.

Chemical hair products

Using hair care products that are loaded with harmful chemicals is an easy way to invite those silver highlights into your scalp.

Does using shampoo causes white hair?

There are loads of hazardous chemicals that have been used in the manufacturing of shampoos including parabens, formaldehyde, sulphates, dimethicone, silicones, artificial colors and fragrances and the list is endless. All of these, dry out your scalp causing major issues like hair greying in the long run.

does shampoo causes white hair

Natural home remedies to cure premature grey hair

Now that we have known what causes premature greying, let’s not wait a bit to take a look at the proven natural home remedies to cure premature greying of hair.

1. Add triphala to your daily diet

Triphala is a combination of three dried fruits namely Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry), Bibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica) and Haritaki (Myrobalan). The rejuvenating property of Triphala, detoxifies your body and promotes digestion and thereby supports hair health.

Consuming triphala on a regular basis brings amazing outcomes in your body, skin and hair. It can be easily incorporated in your daily diet. Take one teaspoon of triphala powder and two teaspoons of honey and mix well to form a smooth paste. Consuming this mixture on an empty stomach in the morning helps in delaying the greying of hair. If you observe undesirable changes in your body, discontinue its use.

2. Use coconut oil

Lack of moisturization leads to the growth of white hair at an early age. Taking advantage of the moisturizing properties of coconut oil will definitely help in reducing premature greying. Make it a habit to oil your hair and give a mild massage to your scalp, at least thrice a week. This ritual reduces protein loss from hair and keeps it well nourished. This oil also helps to heal cracks in your foot

3. Eat fresh amla or Indian gooseberry

Amla is a boon when it comes to curing almost all hair problems like hair fall, hair breakage and greying. It is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that nourish your scalp and strengthen your hair follicles.

It helps in the production of melanin which is responsible for your hair colour.

Apply amla oil or amla paste on your scalp and leave for 30 minutes. Then, wash off with a mild shampoo.

Gooseberry fruit for hair growth and to cure premature grey hair

Another way to utilize the goodness of amla in taking care of your hair is eating the fruit as such or drinking the juice of it. This wonder fruit takes care of many of your health problems including hair related issues and helps you achieve glowing skin naturally.

4. Curry leaves

Using curry leaves for hair growth and maintenance is a grandma’s remedy that has been etched in our minds. But still, trying to remind you about its extraordinary benefits. The bioactive compounds present in curry leaves, when consumed or applied on the scalp will help prevent early greying of hair in kids and adults.

Let me take you through a quick preparation of curry leaf hair oil:

  • Collect organic curry leaves. Wash and air dry them till there is no moisture left.
  • Heat up a cup of cold pressed coconut oil. Once it is hot, add quarter cup of curry leaves and switch off the flame and let it cool down completely.
  • After an hour or so, you will notice that the colour of the oil has changed to a good green colour.

Use this hair oil regularly and you will be surprised to see the wonderful results.

Make sure to include curry leaves in your diet instead of throwing them in your trashcan.

5. Apply henna hair pack

Henna also called as mehndi, exhibits natural dying properties which facilitates the removal of unwanted grey hair. Since it is a natural remedy, it is safe and very effective.

Take a few tablespoons of henna powder with water as required and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your scalp and hair. Leave it for 1-2 hours and wash off with a mild shampoo. Make sure to wear a pair of gloves and apply this pack to avoid red tint in your hands.

6. Use bhringaraj as natural dye

Also called as false daisy, it is used as a natural dye popularly to colour grey hair. It contains natural darkening agents and bioactive compounds which lend a helping hand in getting rid of white hair.

turning grey hair to black color with Bhringaraj powder

Apply bhringaraj hair oil on your scalp and hair and leave it as such for 1 hour. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo.

If you have purchased it in powder form, no worries, just make a paste out of it with water and apply it on your scalp and hair. Follow with a shampoo wash.

7. Use aloe vera gel

Combining aloe vera with natural hair dyes works like magic in making your hair beautiful and healthy.

It is beyond doubt used as an agent that colours hair without damaging its roots. It contains minerals like calcium, selenium, copper, zinc etc. making it a mandatory addition to your hair care regimen.

Aloe vera is also an excellent skin curing agent that can be used as face toners to brighten up your dull skin and there are many benefits of using a face toner that are made with aloe vera gel.

8. Improve hair health with fenugreek seeds

Also called as methi seeds, fenugreek seeds are rich in nutrients like iron, protein, vitamins A,B,C, nicotinic acid. The anti inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties of the fenugreek seeds help in improving hair health and serves as a good remedy when it comes to reducing white hair.

Along with the above mentioned home remedies, it is mandatory to make lifestyle changes like saying no to alcohol and cigarettes, cutting down on caffeine, practicing stress reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing and yoga. Use natural and chemical free hair products to avoid damaging your hair and scalp. Sukham handmade has come up with an exclusive hair care range for you, our beloved customers which helps eliminate white hair and premature greying of hair. These products are time – honored and have been curated with motherly care. Include lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, greens and whole grains in your diet and do not forget to drink enough water.

Final thoughts

Dedicate a few minutes of your day in grooming your hair with these home remedies, because healthy hair is a clear sign of a healthy body and soul. Give it all the care and pampering it needs. No more hair greying as early as in your 20’s. Bid adieu to those snowflakes on your scalp! Make your hair black, make your life colourful, with Sukham handmade!

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