5 reviews for Diaper rash cream
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All natural Diaper rash cream, gentle on skin. To see the little ones suffering is not one pleasant sign for any parent. Diaper rashes?? Oh no .. diaper rashes can be due to the usage of chemical loaded disposable diapers or prolonged wetness around the bum. With or without knowing we are exposing the babies right from their delicate days to such hazardous chemicals. Not to ignore the fact that they decompose after 500 years – is not a good deed we want to right? But there s an alternative- cloth diapers. Choosing a cloth diaper and maintaining it properly and having a correct fit is the permanent solution for rashes. Also make sure that you change the diaper of the baby within the time frames, immediately in case of poop. Meanwhile to come out of the rashes – presenting our diaper rash cream. Made of mango butter, cold pressed coconut oil , vitamin e , zinc and Codliver oil – just to soothe the irritated skin and provide the fastest relief. Vouched by Parents!
Shelf life : 12 months from the date of packing
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50 ml
Unrefined Mango butter, Coconut oil, Vitamin E, Codliver oil
Take required amount and apply over the affected area, leave without diapers. Repeat if required. If the rashes are severe , and spreading, please consult with your doctor.
Amazing one. My 1.5 year old son had severe rashes due to diarrhea. I applied another brand rash cream he cried a lot due to irritability. At night i apllied this diaper cream, it did not causr him irritability and magically the rashes were gone in 2 days. Thanks for this one.
Just Wonderful. did wonders on my baby’s rashes with such ease and being natural ( the texture & smell say it aloud) makes mommas like me to breathe with a sigh of relief!
Diaper rash cream – the best one I have used. Works so effectively and doesn’t need repeated applications. The fragrance is so soothing. Slowly I see the Sukham products are getting increasing in my house. And very happy for That. Pls keep going. Very satisfied with the products
I did bring diaper rash cream but did not get a chance to use it as I cloth diaper my baby. We went out for an outing and due to rains and sick kids I couldn’t completely cloth diaper him. I used disposable which ended up in rashes. I applied the diaper rash cream and again put on the diaper as I couldn’t manage without it outside home and in this cold weather. I thought it’s difficult for rashes to vanish until I give him diaper free time at home. But when I checked the next day morning the rashes were completely gone and I’m happy with it.